Keys to Witnessing

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Welcome to the 3 Keys to Witnessing pages. 


We pray that as you read through these pages you will find some information that will help your personal ministry.  We have also created a printable version so you can make copies for friends or a evangelism training session. Printable version  Just go to the page and hit the print icon on your browser!

The information has been broken up into three keys. These are preparation, being a witness, and discipleship. Let's start with preparation.

The Key of Preparation  - This key has three parts to it and each are critical.



Prayer - You will never save a soul!  Only God can call someone to salvation.   This is the work of the Holy Spirit, but we need to pray for our part in the process.  That would include: someone to witness to, God's wisdom and words, and the courage to talk to the person.   The importance of prayer in witnessing cannot be understated.  If you do not bring God into your witness, you will be wasting your time!


Fear of Man -  When asked why most Christians do not witness, they will tell you it is fear of rejection or looking bad.  Well first we suggest that if this is an issue with you then you need to get a compassion for the lost.  These poor souls are headed for eternal punishment.  The world tells us there is no Hell, or we are already in it.  The Bible tells us that when Jesus comes He will divide the sheep from the goats.  The sheep that are blessed by the Father and will go to the kingdom.  The goats on the other hand, that were not righteous and that we are so afraid to talk to, He will say "...Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:" (Matt. 25:41b) This is PUNISHMENT FOR EVER AND EVER!  Hell is spoken about or referred to about 400 times in the New Testament.  God has made it clear.  If you think that it is bold to walk up to someone and speak about the Gospel then we strongly suggest that you read Foxe's book of martyrs.  You will never feel the same about standing up for your faith in Jesus and His Gospel again.


Witness - Never forget that you do not are a witness!  You are called to be His light to this dark world.  So you will need  to "Live the Life."  The life you live will show non-Christians how Jesus has positively effected your life and they will want the same.  On the other hand if you do not live a Godly life it will show.  For example You will never get anywhere with a non-Christian friend that knows you are cheating on your spouse.


Now let's go to Being a Witness.