Step Four...  wpeA.gif (3157 bytes)

Remember King David?  You may be thinking that you have never murdered or committed adultery.  You just looked at a few pictures.  Jesus said:

"You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that whoever looks at a women to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart." (Matthew 5:27,28)

The bad news is that you have broken God's seventh commandment and sinned against God.  In this state you will never have your internal desire satisfied and will be sentenced to everlasting punishment. 

The Good News is that the your desires can be quenched.  The desire you have is not for these temporary earthly pleasures but for Heaven.  You may be thinking that Heaven would be wonderful but how is it going to help me now?

Well, it is like a young man that just got a new job. He is now making enough money to buy the new car that he has been wanting.  He goes to the bank for a loan and is told that it will take two weeks to process. Over the next two weeks his desire for the car grows.  He sees the car speeding past him on street and watches a TV commercial where the car looks great!  All he can think about is the car. Then he buys some car magazines for the pictures. He even goes out on the WEB to see different pictures.  Non of these things can quench his desire. He can not take it anymore and he calls the bank. The man at the bank tells him that his loan has been approved.  He hangs up the phone and jumps for joy! He goes out and tells his friends how happy he is.  Now lets stop time here!  

What is it that the young man has?  Nothing...but the promise from a man that he does not know about money that he does not have.  He believed that he would be getting the money and in turn his new car.  That belief in the mans promise was enough to quench his desire and produce joy.   The same is true for you.  You do not need to go to Heaven right now to feel right.  Knowing that you are right with God and trusting in His promise will give you the peace you crave.  He will give you the strength of overcome  any temptation.  Simple but every bit true! 

This is Gods plan and what He wants for you!  He created you, placed the desire for Heaven in you and wants you to become right with Him.  "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)   Jesus Christ suffered and died on the Cross for YOUR sins!  He also rose after three days and abolished death!  God has made your way to Him by the Cross of Jesus Christ.  Jesus was the only one that could do this because He was without sin.  This is what God required.  Jesus suffered and died for your sins.  Jesus loves you that much!  

Remember...God raised Jesus from the dead.  So He is alive today and wants to come into your life and have a personal relationship with you! The Son of God is standing at the door and knocking.  No other person will ever be able to bridge the gap that your sins have made.  Only a personal relationship with God's only Son will free you from your sins and bring you the peace you desire.  Now you can make the choice to stay in your sinful life or to cross over to life with Him.  The next page will explain how to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior.

Start building your personal relationship with Jesus today.

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